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Why Every Woman Should Have Antioxidants Skin Care Products

At one point in your quest for healthier, smoother and suppler skin, you will come across antioxidants skin care products. The claims are such that you will be encouraged to look into them just to test their efficacy. Well, good for you because, indeed, antioxidant skin care may well be one of the best steps you will ever take in your quest. But first, a little information on antioxidants and how these contribute to healthier, smoother and suppler skin, thus, why you need them on your vanity table today.

Antioxidants Defined Antioxidants can be found in your body and in a diet rich in fruits and vegetables as well as in specialized supplements. Lest you think that antioxidants are exotic substances, these are actually vitamins like A, C and E as well as minerals like selenium and CoQ10, all of which are found in most antioxidants skin care products.

In general, antioxidants protect your body from the damages caused by unstable molecules called free radicals. Said free radicals are basically unstable compounds with unpaired electrons that are forced to steal electrons from the healthy molecules in your body, thus, leading to cellular damage. The process repeats itself because the molecules robbed of their electrons also become free radicals and so the damage spreads.

Aside from being a natural process in our bodies, you are also exposed to free radicals when exposed to environmental pollutants like cigarette smoke and poor diet as well as from certain medicines. The presence of too many free radicals in the body has been shown to lead to far worse diseases than ageing skin such as cancer, diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Antioxidants and Skin Care So, how exactly do antioxidants skin care products help in your quest for healthier, smoother and suppler skin? Well, of course, the answer lies in the action of the ingredients contained in said antioxidant skin care beauty products.

But first, it must be noted that the skin is the last organ in our bodies to receive the beneficial antioxidants that we get from a healthy diet and oral supplements. As such, it became necessary to incorporate antioxidants into topical skin care products that can deliver the beneficial substances directly unto the skin pores. This way, the skin is able to maximize the use of antioxidants from the outside while diet and oral supplementation works on the inside.

Thus, when you use antioxidants skin care products, your skin is protected from the damages caused by the sun's rays, changes in temperature, environmental pollution and even from the natural aging process. Indeed, studies have shown that antioxidants can slow down the aging process, thus, preventing wrinkles.

Furthermore, regular use of antioxidant skin care products have even been shown to aid in the faster healing of skin acne and other bacterial infections. Plus, it definitely does not hurt to directly nourish your skin with good vitamins like A to fight fine lines and wrinkles, C to boost collagen production, E to prevent age spots and, most important, CoQ10 for younger-looking skin. Antioxidants skin care products is a must-have in any woman's vanity kit. After all, the best makeup is a healthy, smooth, supple and flawless skin at any age!